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"Give more love than you get ... take more pain than you give."

What Jim Does


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Welcome to My Website

I’d like to take the opportunity to welcome you to my website. I know that time is the one commodity that we can never get back so I’m privileged that you have decided to spend some of yours here with me. My hope is that you find my site valuable and worthy of your time and I promise to continue to add content that will enrich your personal as well as business life.

I’d like to thank the many talented people that have worked hard to make this place one that is easy to navigate and read. So, please enjoy your time here and I look forward to seeing you pop back in often to experience and benefit from the ongoing additions!

Kindest Regards,


Million's Monday Morning Motivation

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

– Winston Churchill

  • I have been in the retail car business for 14 years. During this time I have been exposed to a multitude of training workshops and seminars. Jim’s attitude and professionalism reflected great credit upon himself and your company. I was taken back by his energy of course but more important his “real world” solutions were a difference maker. Soon after his training I sold a car to a couple in which difference maker. If I were the decision maker for my dealership, I would insist on Jim Million training my staff and no one else. For once in my career I have met a trainer that cares about his trainees as if they were his family.

    Scott Orbany - Orlando Infiniti

  • The content of any meeting is certainly primary if people are to grow and change in a methodical and positive way. The presentation of any meeting’s material is second only to the content. Without the sincerity, excitement, seriousness and believability in delivering the message, all programs would fail. Your presentation for our “day in training” contained all of the necessary ingredients and made the session the best ever.

    William C. Claypool - Northwest Regional Manager, DAKIN, Inc.

  • You are truly an inspiration to anyone looking for a dose of reality and a little guidance in their life regardless of their specific circumstances. I think as human beings, we all crave a purpose in life, a way to leave a legacy, a mark, a way to make this world a bit better when we leave it then it was before and while we were here. Jim, you should know deep in your heart that you have done exactly that, already, and I’m sure will continue doing so as long as the “Big Man Upstairs” allows you to do so. I truly feel you have found your calling and are living it everyday, on and off the stage of life.

    Cliff McInnis - Houston Watersports Complex

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you! The keynote address you gave for over 320 volunteers was outstanding! You have inspired all of us who attended to continue in the service of serving others! I feel the day was well worth it due to a volunteer’s comment conveyed to me by one of the agency directors who attended, “I was feeling very alone and helpless due to so many family problems, but through my attendance today Jim has given me new energy and commitment to make this world a better place!” I couldn’t have said it better! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and most of all your heart!

    Vicki L. Brooks, SW Director - Volunteer Action Center

  • "What you produced for us was beyond our expectations. Before I could get out surveys I was already receiving rave reviews from participants. Those who were unable to attend are hoping you will be back. Our committee again applauds you for your skills and ability to invigorate and educate. You should be hearing from others at Rio Hondo who are very interested in experiencing the “Jim Million” workshops."

    Gloria Reyes-Luera & Andrea Rivera-Ringo – Rio Hondo College

About Jim Million

With over 35 years of experience in facilitation, training, coaching, program development, public speaking and consulting, Jim has trained thousands of facilitator/trainers and developed hundreds of new curriculums. Whether you need facilitation leadership or someone to develop a new training program, Jim has extensive experience with every facet of professional development.

Combined with a burning desire to teach and help other people, Jim Million’s services have produced remarkable results at major automotive companies including Ford, General Motors and Toyota, to mention just a few. He has gained a remarkable reputation for unparalleled passion, extraordinary depth of experience and his results-oriented approach. As such, Jim now offers the most successful facilitation and training services in the nation.

Jim’s expertise is not limited to small groups or classroom settings. In addition to facilitation and training, Jim Million is a powerful public speaker. With a deep conviction that every person has unlimited potential, Jim’s public speaking is both inspiring and motivating. Believing that everyone from janitors to CEOs contribute to an organization’s value, Jim has the ability to connect with large audiences and deliver a message that makes a difference.

Jim is also highly-sought after for his work in consulting, which is informed by decades of experience assisting businesses with training, culture change and more. Rounding out Jim’s professional services is high-quality video production, which he offers to clients to pair with his other services. In short, Jim Million is a jack-of-all trades with distinguished versatility and breadth of experience.

It all starts with the people at your organization. A company is nothing without its employees. If you’re serious about realizing your full potential as well as that of your business, management and staff, then call Jim Million. Widely-known as a trainer’s trainer, Jim Million has the know-how, the grit and the compassion to help people be the best they can be. Making all-stars out of average joes is what Jim Million does best.

Connect With Jim

PO Box 67920 Albuquerque, NM 87193

Mobile: 505-977-8097



Copyright © Jim Million 2019

Company Information

Professional Resource Group, Inc.
Million Learning (Click logo below to visit)*

Offices: Albuquerque, NM / Ponder, TX